This time we will fund the construction of the guitar. in this case I chose for the back and sides flamed maple wood (curly Maple), which brought me usa.

first thing I did was correct a song from each of the 2 tables that formed the background. These tables were originally a single block. Once we open the half mirror effect, bone that we have a similar figure in each of the faces.

once we rectified edges to glue the two halves to form the bottom.
there are many ways to perform this step. I usually use one of the traditional methods. for this use 6 studs 2 "x 2", 3 wedges long rope. the operation of this method is basically that the tacos well maintained flat pieces making sure that the same will not break. With the rope and wedges exert the necessary pressure for pressing the parts during bonding.

now we already have one piece of about 4.5 mm (approximately) we will work the thickness of the bottom.
for this use sandpaper and scraper.

once achieved the thickness (3.5 mm approx) we glue the strengthening of the medium, in this case Red Cedar (a against grain), and then bottom bars, which in this guitar I made of mahogany.

these bars give you the "pump" needed to fund because they have a specific radio and in turn are pressed with a bed that has the same radio.

below the bottom end
this was all for today.
if they have no plans yet for this Sunday I invite you to meet my group Aranda Itata.
this will be on Sunday December 28 at 20 pm. Cultural Multiespacio in "La Nave Kadmon" - Ituzaingó 632 - San Isidro (facing the square and the cathedral).
thank you very much and happy holidays! Alex