Good, good ... After a long silence I will resume postings on the construction of this guitar. I apologize for my long absence and hope to complete this project soon.
This time we will see the construction of the bridge.
The wood used for this bridge: Rosewood from India to buy in Vendome few years ago. in this case it came in a small block of about 20cm x 3cm x 1.5cm.
first make the bridge as a template for a reference to the shape and measurements.
then I made the slot in which the bone then anger.
use the router for this small, he used to make the recesses of marquetry.
once made the slot (about 5 mm deep) cut the excess from both ends and let them square with the sides.

checking the action on the plane ...
bank with keyhole cut curves to approximate the shape.
there and we are closer ..
then with a small file and sandpaper cylinder in the drill press, finished defining the shape.
the form of the "wings" to gouge the work first and then with lime.
in this instance make the hole through which pass the pins that hold the strings.
the Bochita of the pins should be slightly below the surface of the bridge and for that I made a recess with a file / stone rotating in the drill press.
and now ...
usually bridges the term in a grain of sand in 2000 - 2500 and then polish with a wool cloth.
and now if .. we can say we have the bridge done!
in a few days I'll be posting the next chapter ...
greetings, Alex
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