Lamps from recycled materials, cigar ashtrays, racks and cookbook holders are some of the works performed by the Swiss artist Christian Petralli (1968). Utilitarian art objects that could be part of the collection of VitraHaus (Germany), to cite one example. The photos above p rovienen file C. Petr there. Christian
Petralli born and raised in the Italian Swiss in a
His creative streak comes father's side. His grandfather was a born inventor who, among others, succeeded in bringing electricity helped by a turbine at his home in the mountains in the early twentieth century. "It was the first town that had electricity in his house " he says. His grandfather drew and painted.
"My father (right) I had since childhood to his factory d

His creations have started dating when he moved to live in Zurich, that nearly two decades ago, since which also works for construction company mechanical engineering and electronics. Doubler The idea came when her clothes were ironed and thought it might be useful to have a device that helps to fold shirts and blouses. His works vary in size and shape, from carrying CDs (photos 2, 3) even some that are designed and worked in conjunction with other designers, as the chair-table (photo 1) that works perfectly inverted, or the yellow metal balcony (Figure 4 ). Photos © file C. Petralli.
His creations stars

At a time when smokers are seen as star creation plague is the ashtray for cigars. It is designed in metal will not rust and is the result of his passion for cigars. Since November is advertised throughout Switzerland in the journal Ciga r (middle photo) . "Before coming to this material, aluminum, I have produced and n marble (photo 1) and onyx stone (Figure 3). A bo oth are colors finite but none so malleable as aluminum to add minute details q ue a cigar smoker will appreciate and thank " he says.

Spirit of Havana (Spirit of Havana), as he calls to his collection,

This ashtray was made in international fairs, and one of them suggested we produce in China to cut costs. "My ashtrays are numbered and bear my signature, are a work of art and are worked with sketches and precision technology. If mass produced in China would lose some of its essence " said. In recent weeks has been playing with a new design that includes small Swarovski stones, still not happy with the result and continue testing until the final design.
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