Three San Sebastian in San Sebastian looks South American 58 of
Editing Film Festival San Sebastian is an important showcase for productions from different countries of Latin America, many of which have been well received by audiences and critics, including three South American countries:
The colors of the mountain (Colombia), N
ostalgia of lu z (Chile) and October
and (Peru).
mountain colors (Colombia)
Children are the heart of this film directed by Carlos César Albeláez. It focuses on the friendship of three children: Manuel (Hernán Mauricio Ocampo), Julian (Nolberto Sanchez) and Low Light (
Genaro Aristi Zabalo ) , for whom his favorite pastime is soccer. One day playing soccer lose the ball that will give a minefield. Since then her rescue becomes a vital objective, regardless of the hazards involved.
Photos © Film Festival San Sebastian 2010 .
The film, co-produced by Colombia and Panama, was shot in the department of Antioquia. The armed conflict is filtered through the eyes of children. They are immersed us
in everyday reality and cruel of the inhabitants of a town that 'lives' with the paramilitaries and guerrillas.
"There is a p elícula of guerrillas and paramilitaries, but the friendship between children. I tried to use little music to keep from falling into the melodramatic ", told me Albeláez
(in photo above with producer) .
language and humor used by children is commonplace, and that, in part, their development makes it feel natural.
"I am very grateful to have found this role to a child as Manuel. Transmitted naturally, something that is not easy to find. It seems as if the script had been written for him, and has not been so ", accurate. The theme of the armed conflict in Colombia has been so often addressed by the film, but rarely from the original look.
"The scene I love is that of Julian Manu showing the different tip years of bullets, because it symbolizes and shows the war in Colombia so innocent and real. " Children are not professional actors, and finding them took time.
"preparations and make r they become true friends, it took two years," continues Albeláez . Manuel and Julian are originally from Antioch, the first and second Sonsón
Garden, while Low Light, one of the albino children, and provied a displaced family .
is one of the few films that received applause for several minutes at the festival. Is in competition in the Zabaltegi - New Directors. San Sebastian, the film goes to the Festival of Biarritz (France) and half a dozen other festivals. The premiere will be in Colombia in February.
Photo above, Albeláez presenting his film. © Film Festival San Sebastian 2010 .
mountain colors was completed in nine years. Along the way, and about to be shot, he died the producer and stopped for almost two years. When they did so to seek funding from institutions like the Film Development Fund of Colombia. The film won this year's Award Films in Progress 17 in Toulouse (France). Nostalgia
light (Chile)
is the recent documentary by Patricio Guzman (Santiago de Chile, 1941), the number twelve in his film career. Nostalgia Light
, explore, along with two other Chilean films at the festival (
Lucia and
Post mortem), the subject of the military dictatorship from a personal perspective and linking the last from three areas that seem far: astronomy, archeology and relatives of the disappeared in the Atacama Desert.
"It was hard because they do not cross lines. The astronomer looks in the distant past, the archaeologist in the distant past more recent and women looking for their missing years, also in the recent past. It took me to get cross, because that did not depend on me but the characters could find. S i not, could not do the film. It was a lucky find, for example , an astronomer who expressed his pursuit and the women is practically the same ", Guzman had for breakfast Horizons. Photo 1
© Film Festival San Sebastian 2010 .
The Atacama desert (3000 m) are an astronomical observatory and the old mining camp of Chacabuco in which the dictatorship remained the largest concentration camp, and this is where women searching for their dead.
Guzman and his seven characters introduce us to a fascinating story, yet painful, magical desert scenes, and landscapes with color and light contrasts. It is a poetic and
"full of metaphors, "Guzman say. The characters (the astronomers, archaeologists and women searching for their missing relatives) seem connected and involved with the story, and move comfortably in a story that is yours. They can see when they are silent, they cry, or want to keep talking.
"In interviews for a documentary is very impo
rtantes breaks. When you shut a person must be respected and not be cut ", accurate.
Guzman worked for four years in the production of the documentary , which competes in the Latin Horizons section, period that it is normal and justified by saying it is slow.
"The time that we have invented false ado: the video clip, the publicity is an artificial time, and it is not necessary to assume that speed, because we eat, walk, travel faster than it corresponds to our body. Cinema and art have fallen into that acceleration does not make sense; happily retrieves the documentary shows us the life time, the silence " he said. Nostalgia
light premiered at the Cannes and Lima, next month will be screened in cinemas in France and in Chile in March.
October (Peru)
is the directorial debut of brothers Diego and Daniel Vega and is also competing in the Latin Horizons section. Its premiere in San Sebastian could not have been better timed. Has won this year's Jury Prize in the section Un Certain Regard (A Certain Regard) at the Cannes Festival and other awards at festivals in Croatia and Ukraine. Already opened in Prague festivals, Toronto and Lima. Next week will participate in the Festival of Biarritz (France), and then in Korea, India and London. In October will be released in cinemas in Germany, Switzerland and Peru, in January in France and Canada.
October is an important month for Peruvian religious fervor. Is the month of
Lord of Miracles, the most revered saint of the population. Everywhere Masses, processions, and many have a habit purple. However, in Lima where he lives with more fervor in the streets and mass processions. As of October is known as the month of miracles, not by chance that the brothers have chosen this month Vega symbolic for the title and tone of the film. October
is an original story about characters of the lower middle class Lima, who live day to day. The protagonist lender is a lonely, laconic, hard and distant, but not insensitive, whom you most interested in is money, but his life takes a turn when you leave a baby at home. Religiosity shows with ease and not feel the presence of the camera.
end seven years took this film, a period that helped them evaluate and re-read the script many times.
"Before completing a film project is necessary quit breathing for a while . Does not mean you have to spend seven years ", Diego says laughing.
"When you write the script without the funding that's a first version, the path is modified, depending on resources trying to understand the story better. Revisions are made in depth. That's why the final script do not always include all the proposed scenes in the first " he reflects.
October and has its own life and will continue in its promotional stage at festivals, so the Vega brothers have begun work on his second feature.
"We are working on our next project and festivals in which we are participating to help us talk about it and maybe find interest to co-produce" , ends Diego.
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